About Nick Guiton
Nick Guiton is a talented singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, whose music blends a variety of genres, including Roots, Blues, Americana, and Alt-Country. Drawing from the timeless sounds of musical icons like John Hiatt, Bruce Springsteen, Townes Van Zandt, and Otis Taylor, Nick has carved out a distinctive sound that’s both reflective and raw. With lyrics that touch on the joys, struggles, and uncertainties of life, Nick’s music is relatable, offering connection to audiences from all walks of life. Nick’s journey in music began at a young age, experimenting with a Bontempi reed organ at just four years old. From there, he immersed himself in a wide range of musical influences, and his career evolved through numerous projects. Each of these endeavours showcased his versatility as an artist, from the alt-country sound of High Level Bridge to the gritty roots of No Dogs Barking and the high-energy performances of Friction Unlimited. However, it wasn’t until a near-fatal accident that Nick’s true resilience was tested. The accident threatened his ability to play and perform, but Nick’s love for music and his unwavering dedication to his craft saw him push through the recovery process. Emerging with a unique finger-picking guitar style, Nick adapted and refocused his efforts on a solo career. This transition not only deepened his artistry but also solidified his commitment to music as both a personal and creative lifeline.
In 2024, Nick released his first EP, The Sunburnt EP, which was recorded at the legendary Sun Studios. The release marked a major milestone in his career, showcasing his growth as a solo artist and his ability to produce a collection of songs that speak to both the soul and the heart. Alongside the EP release, Nick embarked on a cross-Canada tour in 2024, performing in cities from coast to coast. This tour allowed Nick to share his new music with fans, connect with audiences, and reinforce his place in the Canadian music scene. Whether performing solo or collaborating with other musicians, Nick continues to captivate listeners with his raw emotion and heartfelt lyrics. For Nick Guiton, music is not just a passion—it’s a lifeline. Through every song, every performance, he invites listeners to join him on a journey of self-reflection, personal growth, and discovery. In a world that can feel disconnected, Nick’s music offers a sense of community, reminding us that we’re all connected through the shared experience of life’s highs and lows. With every strum of his guitar and each word he sings, Nick Guiton proves that music has the power to heal, to inspire, and to bring people together